Celebrating 10 years of Osseointegration in Chile.   Pioneering Osseointegration in Latin America. 

On Aug 20th,  Hospital del Trabajador-Chile hosted the Congress of Osseointegration 2019 in commemoration of 10 years of Osseointegration in Chile. Hospital del Trabajador are the pioneers in the region and the only center providing osseointegration in Latin America.  

Over 90 participants from a mixed population of surgeons, healthcare providers, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and amputees attended the congress. The congress gave a comprehensive view of the  advancements in the field and the benefits of osseointegration. The talks also covered the procedures on evaluation, surgery and rehabilitation process with the OPRA TM  Implant System. The participants also had the opportunity to hear user perspectives from the recipients of the OPRA TM Implant System. 

There was keen interest in the future of the technology with the e-OPRA system,  where electrodes implanted in the muscles are used to intuitively control prostheses. The therapists were also excited about Neuromotus as a solution for their patients suffering from phantom limb pain.  

Dr Rainhold Garcia, Dr. Rickard Brånemark and recipients of the system were among the several speakers at the congress.  

The advancements in the technology with e-OPRA and the OPRA TM Implant System were featured along with Dr. Brånemark’s interview on Chile’s leading national television show ‘Canal trece noticias’.

Integrum thanks Hospital del Trabajador for their continued collaboration  in helping improve the lives of amputees all over the world and congratulates the team at Hospital Trabajador and Soledad Novoa for the success of the event.  

Hospital del Trabajador-Chile hosted the Congress of Osseointegration 2019 in commemoration of 10 years of Osseointegration in Chile.